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Rea           Re.    Edit    Del     4/17/2007 6:37:04 PM

Hi Wendy!
I have come across your page a lot over the past few weeks and I miss your crafts and cakes. I think they are wonderful and hope that you can add more to this website in the near future. Thanks! ^^

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks for stopping by!!
I'm sorry for being so lazy lately.....:P
My work has been very crazy recently, so I'm usually out of energy when I got home from the office.>_<

I planned to make a belated birthday cake at the end of April. If there is nothing wrong with my schedule, I will be able to do it.

ps. Glad to know that someone is actually waiting to see my cake~^_^

Wendy           Re.    Edit    Del     4/15/2007 3:33:49 AM

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the exciting website.

How do you convert weights of the materials into volumes? Thanks a lot.

Another Wendy

  Wendy          Edit    Del


For baking, I always use a kitchen scale to measure the weights.... especially for flour and all other kind of powder ingredients... believe it or not, I once scaled the weight of one cup of flour for 3 times (scooped a cup of flour and scaled, then put it back, and scooped another cup and scaled again...), but the difference between the heaviest and the lightest is 30g!!!
If making an 8" cake, the variance of 30g will definitely make a BIG difference~

So, I always encourge baking newbies to get a reliable kitchen scale first. If you have one, just follow the recipes, and I'm almost positive that you will get the same result as I did~^^

JC           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:44:16 PM

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the quick response and the great advice! I hope you don't mind me asking another cake decorating-related question: How did you attach bouquets of gum paste flowers onto the top and sides of your “Romance of Autumn?wedding cake?

I will be making (or rather, attempting to make) a cake for my friend’s wedding in a few weeks, but I am a total beginner when it comes to decorating with fondant and gum paste. I have not taken any classes yet; for the past few months, I have just been trying to figure things out on my own by reading books, websites, and through trial-and-error with the Wilton 32-piece gumpaste kit. So, any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance. Again, your cakes are truly a feast for the eyes.

~ JC

  Wendy          Edit    Del

When is the wedding day? If you planned to make the wedding cake, I would suggest starting making the gum paste flowers about one month before the wedding day because these gum paste flowers can last more than few months, and will save you a lot of time and stress when the wedding day is approaching.

About the questions of attaching the bouquets... At first, I combined all flowers and taped them into one bouquet, then, used a piece of foil to cover the roots (the bottom end of the bouquet) . After the cake was delivered to the wedding hall, I just intserted the roots into the cake directly. Well, the key point is that, you'd better bend the roots into an "L" shape, so that it can stay the position after inserted into the cake.

If you need to make the sugar flowers ahead of time, I suggest using gum paste instead of fondant because colored fondant might lose the color if it's exposed to light directly, especially for pink, purple and blue colors.

You're very welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions, and I'll be more than happy to help!^^

nikki           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:43:29 PM

its me again! just wanna let u know i love chinese style cake/food but cant find any recipes in english :( so im happy i foudn this site

  Wendy          Edit    Del

I'm kind of lazy and busy..... Please let me know what kind of dishes you'd like to see here, and I will try to find the recipe for you.

nikki           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:42:44 PM

i love ur site! im so happy i found it :D love your cakes, etc ... i will be making the taro soup right now .. cant wait to try the toehr stuff tooo! looking forward to see more recipes here :D

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks for visiting!!
I'm sorry for the late reply..... I was away for vacation in Taiwan, and just came back to US~

Glad to know that you like my site!
I will try hard to make it better and better~^^

sw           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:42:22 PM

Hello Wendy,
I have tried replicating the chinese restaurant style fried chicken pieces at home but I'm unable to get the crispy texture. I use cornflour to coat but it is not the same. Do you have any tips or recipe to share? Thank you.

  Wendy          Edit    Del

I'm not sure which kind of fried chicken you're looking for.... Do you have a name of the dish?

You'll get different kind of results depending on what kind of coating you use:
In this Taiwanese Salty-Crispy Chicken, I use yam starch (sweet potato starch). In
fried chicken leg, I use all-purpose flour: Both
above are crispy~
Or if you have the name of the dish that you're learning to make, maybe I can have a better idea on how to make it.^^

  sw          Edit    Del

Wendy, Thanks for your reply. Yes it looks like the tawianese crispy chicken. I didn't know can use sweet potato starch for coating. I learn something new today. Is it possible to share this recipe? Thanks. :-)

  Wendy          Edit    Del

No problem!
I'll translate the recipe for you. ^^

Flower           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:42:21 PM

Hi! :) I like your crafts very much. Hopefully you can put more and more of your crafts here!

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thank you, Flower!
I'll work hard to add more contents here~

Thanks for visiting!^^

sharon           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:42:10 PM

Hello Wendy,
Thanks again for English site. I have a question, hope you don't mind. I have come across swiss roll recipes that uses egg separation method (whip egg yolk and egg white separately) versus the whole egg method. May I know what is the difference in the cake outcome? Thanks.

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Cakes using egg-separation method should be more fluffy in texture and easier to make as well. To beat whole eggs completely, it takes longer time and more efforts, but the texture will be silky and soft, I guess it's worth the efforts.^^

Eula           Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:41:51 PM

Wow your cakes look amazing! I'm Chinese but I can't read much Chinese so this site is great. love to cook and craft too! My mom reads your Chinese site all the time and loves to try out your desserts. I was just thinking about making the sweet taro with sago soup today and was lucky enough to see that you have it translated! Thanks so much and keep translating more recipes! You're an inspiration to me.

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks for visiting~~^^

I'm so happy to know that the translated recipes are helping someone!! :D
If you want to have any recipes translated here, please feel free to let me know, and I'll do it for you.

Grace      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     4/14/2007 8:41:50 PM

Hi, Wendy. I'm so excited about this website. So much to see! It's just what I have wanted---real detailed recipes and discussion pages with people enthusiastic about working magic in the kitchen.
What amazed me most was you had least cooking experience until you came to the States years ago. Wow~~~ a pro now!
I also admire the way you establish your website---more than just cooking. It is a website I must visit again.
Thank you for all the excellent work and Happy New Year to you and your family, especially Arielle. She is sooooooo pretty!!!

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thank you for visiting my site, Grace!
I'm glad that you enjoy the work I did for this site. If you have any improvement ideas, please feel free to let me know!

Thanks again for the comments~^_^

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ASP Written By Wendy [Eupho Café]
Graphical References : [MakiMaki][Snow's Garden]