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Nina      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     11/10/2007 2:15:52 PM

Hi Wendy,
My friend (Chinese) found your recipies are very usefull for cooking daily meals. With the same stuffs, she can make different deliciuos dishes. I was very thrilled when she told me about this web-site. Unfortunately I can't read Chinese. Could you post more recipies in English. Many thanks.

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks, Nina~^^
I will try to translate more recipes from the Chinese site.
However, please let me know your preference if you have any , so that I can have a better idea where to start with because there are more than 300 recipes so far, and it takes time to translate all of them.

oinksy URL     E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     10/9/2007 7:45:15 PM

Hello! Just wanted to let you know that your website is a real insparation. I am very new to cake decorating and was browsing around and found yours ! Looking forward to 'visiting' again! Happy baking !

  Wendy          Edit    Del

I'm glad you enjoy my cake works~
I will keep doing cake decorating because it's one of the most enjoyable hobbies I have so far~ :D

Seta           Re.    Edit    Del     10/9/2007 7:44:04 PM

Hello, your website is so wonderful!! i came across it by accident. Please continue to put up your cake decorating pictures and they are really works of art. All the best,

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks for stopping by!!!

I planned to make another cake for my 7th anniversary.... but still thinking about the design~:P

Lingling      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     10/9/2007 7:43:08 PM

だ摸いΑ难 -> /放难摸

This is one of your chinese recipe, can you please translate in English, please? Thank you.

  Wendy          Edit    Del

I will try to translate more recipes when I got free time...

Sorry that it takes me a while to update English recipes.... >_<

Kitchen Chick URL     E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     7/12/2007 6:49:19 PM

Hello Wendy,

I'm glad you and your readers are enjoying "Blueberry Heaven."

Kitchen Chick

  Wendy          Edit    Del

Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe!

Lingling      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     6/19/2007 9:53:35 PM

Hi Wendy,
Love your site, I do not read chinese so could you translate one of your recipe for me. Its Blueberry Heaven. thank you


  Wendy          Edit    Del

I found this recipe from an English site. Here is the link:

Franka      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     6/19/2007 9:52:56 PM

I've seen your marvelous photos on webshots, so I go to Eupho caf? Is wonderful! I've copied the recipe of the light cheese cake and the boston cheese cake. But in the home page, there was the Blueberry Heaven, but is not in english. Can you translate it?
Thanks a lot and congratulations!

  Wendy          Edit    Del

That recipe is from this link:

Angie           Re.    Edit    Del     5/16/2007 9:51:38 PM

Any idea where I can buy those plastic sausage casing in singapore.

Thank you and have a nice day.


  Wendy          Edit    Del

Hi, Angie~

I'm not sure where you can buy it, since I've never been to Singapore before....
Well, I'm sure you have some kind of shops that sell baking needs products. You may ask those shops to see if they carry this product.
Or, you may google the name on internet, and see if you can get it on-line.^^

Elene      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     5/16/2007 9:49:23 PM

hi wendy,

i came across your wonderful site yesterday and i tried the green tea chiffon cake.

one problem i encountered, when i invert the pan to cool the chiffon cake, i found tht the center of the chiffon cake collapses from the bottom.

it's really funny that we invert the pan so that the cake would not collapse but it collapses the other way round.

please help me as i made 2 batches and it has the same problem.

thank you in advance.


  Wendy          Edit    Del

How big is your cake? 8" or larger?
And, did you line the bottom with parchment paper?

If the cake is 8" or small, it should be fine to line the bottom of pan with parchment paper, but if the cake is larger than 8", I suggest not to use the parchment paper.

Also, you don't need to grease and dust the bottom with flour to make it non-stick. Chiffon cake needs to be baked in a "stick" pan. If you use any ways to make your pan "non-stick", then the cake won't rise perfectly, and it will collapse when you turn it up-side down.

Yiren      E-mail     Re.    Edit    Del     5/16/2007 9:44:31 PM

Hi Wendy,

I came across your site when I was searching for recipes to make whip cream. I am learning to make a cake for my kids but don't want to use those artificial colorings. Do you know if I can add natural colorings like beet juice, blueberry juice, etc. to whipping cream? Will that affect the nature or flavor of the final product? If not, at what point of the whipping process should I add the colors? I use a Kitchenaid professional mixer.

Thanks in advance. Your site is great. I cannot type in chinese (it would take me 1 hour to type one sentence....) but i have no problem reading it. Feel free to respond in either English or Chinese. Thanks a lot!

  Wendy          Edit    Del


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ASP Written By Wendy [Eupho Café]
Graphical References : [MakiMaki][Snow's Garden]